Monday, September 30, 2019

Nursing Facilitator Model

Nursing Facilitator Model Evaluation of the Practical Implication of Implementing this Model: I can utilise this nursing facilitator model in my own workplace which is a medical ward but share multiple care setting at times. I am an active nursing member of the ward which gives me an opportunity to share my beliefs and model with other members in the ward for the improvement of the care. This model specifically focuses on four corners of nursing which can be easily accepted in general cares and help eliminate various confusion during the practice.It is constructed in a simple way. I also work as a diabetic representative of the ward. Hence, I get chances to interact with nurses of various wards during the meetings and this inflates my chances to explore the education to them. The easy method to expose this model among my colleagues at work is via ward meeting. Support from the leaders and opportunity to use them in real life settings is essential too. Not only this I can consult with the senior nurses of the hospital about their beliefs in the model and consume my model of care through their support.From my experience of working in a busy emergency to a quiet palliative setting, I am confident that this model will equally benefit to develop the proficiency of nursing and help boost patient care. They are quite excited to know my model and voiced that they are inspired by this model to use it in routine nursing cares. This will be implemented in various settings to be considered successful after being accepted by the members of my workplace who are willing to accept change in their daily life.This model help nurses to foresee their duty of care remaining within the scope of practice and accept the accountability of their action. This model is based on evidence-based practice and is completely based on the patient and health care needs. It consists of the concepts of real life practice without providing major effort to use in an individual practice. My experience of nine years of nursing in various sectors in different countries has explored the basic need of nursing as experience and education equally, valuing critical thinking skills, technical skills and knowledge on legal circumstances.This model will also assist to reduce the gap between the patient and nurse relationship. The long term influences will be to enhance the healing process of the patient, giving them satisfaction during their short hospital stay and nurses without being burnt down. My model suggests holding the legal and ethical boundary in the meantime. One of the crucial parts of nurses is accepting the responsibility and being accountable to the responsibility remaining within their scope of practice. This model is designed to be adapted by all the nursing members of my workplace.This model identify nurses need to learn through evidence based practice and reflection from the colleagues past experience. It should make individual difference in the caring attitude and care pattern to the patient in the small ward like ours. This model will be put in the notice board after discussed and informed to the colleagues and senior staffs of the ward. Therefore it will provide me the chance to receive advice or alter any changes if needed from the other members of the team. Once the effectiveness has been achieved, it will be published in a newsletter after gaining further interests from other wards too.This model is economically feasible in the private health care system due to managerial support of further education and quality improvement of the care. The other factors such as cultural background, religion, spirituality, individual level of understanding, family and peer support, community help and communication affects the nursing facilitator model. What is missing in my model? I have not considered artistic and interpretive reflection in this model but I have included experiential reflectivity. The neutral interpretative reflection guides nurses with div ersity of decision making skills and enhance their experience.Self reflection is an effective method of gaining knowledge. I think interpretive reflection is equally important to consider learning pathway in nursing. However, I think it might be the cause of misinterpretation of things at times. Sometimes it gets out of context and leads to negativity. There are further needs of developing the tools for this model. Is this model financially feasible? All the residents and citizens of Australia have current Medicare to cover their medical bills. I currently work in a private hospital of Australia and most of patients here are covered with private health cover.This model is designed for the adult health care system and different circumstances will be needed in other settings such as child birth and paediatric care. Consent will be taken first before the implementation of the facilitator model. The hospital where I work is considered as one of the biggest private hospital of the area. Therefore, it is financially feasible model. There will be a questionnaire developed to conduct the follow up result of the tests. It will include the quality of care; time consumed and further advises to improve the care design.The follow up can be attended though mails, emails or even telephone according to the desire of the patient and family. I found that the most stimulating area of this model is geriatric care setting; hence my main focus will be elderly patients. Not only that the majority of age group admitted in the medical ward are geriatric patients. In most of the public hospital there is a combined funding from community health, Government of health and ageing Australia and specific funding such as palliative care funding.This ward had private health care funding as well as government supported funding. Actions seem to be taken place in the case of elderly abuse at times but most of the times it is missed due to the cognitive issues such as dementia in majority of them. The trial will be commenced from the geriatric ward before formulating on any other wards such as surgical or paediatric ward. This model will require second weekly follow up to gain the feedback of the model and review the response from the other support services. Can the Nursing Facilitator Model improve nursing care in my area of work?This is a simple model that represents the central beliefs of nursing in a general ward setting. I look forward to present this nursing facilitator model in my area of work after developing the testing tools. I will enhance interests towards this model in the workplace by involving everyone’s ideas. It considers the relationship between different values in nursing for the provision of safe and qualitative care. It directs the nurses to deliver holistic care, respecting their culture and beliefs. It is about comprehending the leadership, individual decision making skills and education. References:Brown, D & Edwards, H 2008 (eds), Lewi’ s Medical-surgical nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems, 2nd edn, Elsevier, Australia. Bu, X & Jezewski, MA 2007, ‘Developing a Mid-range Theory of Patient Advocacy through Concept Analysis’, Journal of Advanced Nursing, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 101–10. Canam, CJ 2008, ‘The Link between Nursing Discourses and Nurses’ Silence: Implications for a Knowledge-based Discourse for Nursing for Nursing Practice’, Advances in Nursing Science, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 296-307. Croke, EM 2006, ‘Nursing Malpractice Determining Liability Elements for Negligent Acts’, Journal of Legal Nurse Consulting, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 3-7. Hunter, LA 2008, ‘Stories as Integrated Patterns of Knowing in Nursing Education’, International Journal of Nursing Education, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 1-13. McMurray, A & Clendon, J 2011, Community Health and Wellness: Primary Health Care in Practice, Elsevier, Australia. Lundqvist, A & Nilstun, T 2009, â⠂¬ËœNoddings’s caring ethics theory applied in a pediatric setting’, Blackwell publishing, Nursing Philosophy, vol. 10, pp. 113-23. Negarandeh, R, Oskouie, F, Ahmadi, F & Nikravesh, M 2008 ‘The Meaning Of Patient Advocacy For Iranian Nurses’, Nursing Ethics, vol 15, no. , pp. 457-466. Sheldon, LK & Ellington, L 2008, ‘Application of a model of Social information processing to nursing theory: how nurses respond to patients’, Journal of Advanced Nursing, vol. 64, no. 4, pp. 388-398. Sitzman, KL 2007, ‘Teaching-Learning Professional Caring based on Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring’, International Journal of Human Caring, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 8-16. Vacek, JE 2009, ‘Using a Conceptual Approach with concept mapping to Promote Critical Thinking’, Journal of Nursing Education, vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 45-8.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

How effective is 99 Cents Only Stores’ strategy for IT infrastructure investments? Essay

Management Information Systems Tenth Edition provides a number of case studies for you to analyze. Included in these cases are questions to help you understand and analyze the case. You may, however, be assigned other case studies that do not have questions. This Hands-on Guide presents a structured framework to help you analyze such cases as well as the case studies in this text. Knowing how to analyze a case will help you attack virtually any business problem. A case study helps students learn by immersing them in a real-world business scenario where they can act as problem-solvers and decision-makers. The case presents facts about a particular organization. Students are asked to analyze the case by focusing on the most important facts and using this information to determine the opportunities and problems facing that organization. Students are then asked to identify alternative courses of action to deal with the problems they identify. A case study analysis must not merely summarize the case. It should identify key issues and problems, outline and assess alternative courses of action, and draw appropriate conclusions. The case study analysis can be broken down into the following steps: 1. Identify the most important facts surrounding the case. 2. Identify the key issue or issues. 3. Specify alternative courses of action. 4. Evaluate each course of action. 5. Recommend the best course of action. Let’s look at what each step involves. 1. Identify the most important facts surrounding the case. Read the case several times to become familiar with the information it contains. Pay attention to the information in any accompanying exhibits, tables, or figures. Many case scenarios, as in real life, present a great deal of detailed information. Some of these facts are more relevant that others for problem identification. One can assume the facts and figures in the case are true, but statements, judgments, or decisions made by individuals should be questioned. Underline and then list the most important facts and figures that would help you define the central problem or issue. If key facts and numbers are not available, you can make assumptions, but these assumptions should be reasonable given the situation. The â€Å"correctness† of your conclusions may depend on the assumptions you make. 2. Identify the key issue or issues. Use the facts provided by the case to identify the key issue or issues facing the company you are studying. Many cases present multiple issues or problems. Identify the most important and separate them from more trivial issues. State the major problem or challenge facing the company. You should be able to describe the problem or challenge in one or two sentences. You should be able to explain how this problem affects the strategy or performance of the organization. You will need to explain why the problem occurred. Does the problem or challenge facing the company come from a changing environment, new opportunities, a declining market share, or inefficient internal or external business processes? In the case of information systems-related problems, you need to pay special attention to the role of technology as well as the behavior of the organization and its management. Information system problems in the business world typically present a combination of management, technology, and organizational issues. When identifying the key issue or problem, ask what kind of problem it is: Is it a management problem, a technology problem, an organizational problem, or a combination of these? What management, organizational and technology factors contributed to the problem? To determine if a problem stems from management factors, consider whether managers are exerting appropriate leadership over the organization and monitoring organizational performance. Consider also the nature of management decision-making: Do managers have sufficient information for performing this role, or do they fail to take advantage of the information that is available? To determine if a problem stems from technology factors, examine any issues arising from the organization’s information technology infrastructure: its hardware, software, networks and telecommunications infrastructure, and the management of data in databases or traditional files. Consider also the whether the appropriate management and organizational assets are in place to use this technology effectively. To determine the role of organizational factors, examine any issues arising from the organization’s structure, culture, business processes, work groups, divisions among interest groups, relationships with other organizations, as well as the impact of changes in the organization’s external environment-changes in government regulations, economic conditions, or the actions of competitors, customers, and suppliers. You will have to decide which of these factors-or a combination of factors– is most important in explaining why the problem occurred. 3. Specify alternative courses of action. List the courses of action the company can take to solve its problem or meet the challenge it faces. For information system-related problems, do these alternatives require a new information system or the modification of an existing system? Are new technologies, business processes, organizational structures, or management behavior required? What changes to organizational processes would be required by each alternative? What management policy would be required to implement each alternative? Remember, there is a difference between what an organization â€Å"should do† and what that organization actually â€Å"can do.† Some solutions are too expensive or operationally difficult to implement, and you should avoid solutions that are beyond the organization’s resources. Identify the constraints that will limit the solutions available. Is each alternative executable given these constraints? 4. Evaluate each course of action. Evaluate each alternative using the facts and issues you identified earlier, given the conditions and information available. Identify the costs and benefits of each alternative. Ask yourself â€Å"What would be the likely outcome of this course of action? State the risks as well as the rewards associated with each course of action. Is your recommendation feasible from a technical, operational, and financial standpoint? Be sure to state any assumptions on which you have based your decision. 5. Recommend the best course of action. State your choice for the best course of action and provide a detailed explanation of why you made this selection. You may also want to provide an explanation of why other alternatives were not selected. Your final recommendation should flow logically from the rest of your case analysis and should clearly specify what assumptions were used to shape your conclusion. There is often no single â€Å"right† answer, and each option is likely to have risks as well as rewards.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Globalization Between Rich and Poor Countries

Globalisation may be the concept of the 1990s, a key by which we understand the transition of human society in to the third millennium. My essay will be focusing on the economic side of it. I will be explaining the MNCs effect on the poor countries in respect to the rich countries ( of course intending developed countries and less developed countries), in order to do so I will first need to introduce the concept of economic development. We will find that the impact of MNCs on LDCs can be under many aspects crucial to the development of the latter, even though it is important to bare in mind the positive contribution MNCs can bring in to LDCs. However in order to cover all the points of this wide topic, it would have been necessary to look at not only the economic side that there is to it , but as well political, social and cultural sides, which are here only briefly referred to. The main concern of theorists of imperialism has been to explain why rich ( or capitalist ) states behave the way they do toward poor states. With the birth of dozens of new states in the years after the Second World War, interest was sparked on the other side of the imperialistic coin, so to speak. From the point of view of this new states, understanding why states behave imperialistically is only part of the problem. The other part focuses on the question of how best to deal with richer, larger states to achieve economic well-being and political independence. Answers to this questions, so far at least, have been much more numerous than examples of success in attaining these goals. The experience of Third World countries in the four decades since the Second World War has demolished one theory after the other concerning the most effective ways to speed development. In the 1950's, the United States dominated the world economically, and Americans likewise tended to dominate the discussion about economic development in academic circles as well as in international forums. Even Americans, of course, had a variety of ideas about how the emerging new countries could best achieve economic growth, but a few basic themes and assumptions were widely shared. One implicit assumption was that England, the United States and other industrialised Western countries served as historical model that the new countries should try to emulate in their efforts to develop politically and economically. This emulation meant, in the orthodox view, that the new countries should adopt free enterprise systems based individual initiative and democratic political systems. In general, development theories in the 1950s stressed the importance of internal changes in the new states as the crucial steps toward economic development. On the other point of view, the dependency theorists, do not deny that internal changes are necessary, but from their point of view, orthodox analysts seriously underestimate the extent to which the problems of Third World countries are caused by factors external to those countries and the impact of the international economic and political environment on them. â€Å"It fiddles its accounts. It avoids or evades its taxes. It rings its intra-company transfer prices. It is run by foreigners from decision centres thousands of miles away. It imports foreign labour practices. It doesn't import foreign labour practices. It overpays. It underpays. It competes unfairly with local firms. It is in cahoots with local firms. It exports jobs from rich countries. It is an instrument of rich countries' imperialism. The technologies it brings to the third world are old-fashioned. No, they are to modern. It meddles. It bribes. Nobody can control it. It wrecks balances of payments. It overturns economic policies. It plays off governments against each other to get the biggest investment incentives. Won't it come and invest? Let it bloody come home. (The Economist, January 21, 1976, p. 68) It of course refers to Multinational Corporations. One reason why developing countries turned to bank loans in the late 1970's involved their suspicion about foreign investments by multinational corporations (MNCs). MNCs provoke some of this suspicion because they so large. In fact, many of them, by some measures , are larger economic units then developing countries. As can be seen in Appendix 1, if we compare the GNPs of countries with the gross annual sale of MNC's, several of the largest economic units in the world are not states, but corporations. In these terms, General Motors is bigger than Argentina, and Exxon is larger than Algeria or Turkey. Another reason that MNCs in developing countries provoke suspicion is that comparisons of inflows and outflows of capital associated with their activities shows, years after year and place after place, that MNCs take more money out of developing countries then they put in to them. In addition, critics of MNCs point out that these companies do not bring much money in to developing countries in the first place. Instead, they borrow from local sources or reinvest profits that they have earned in foreign countries. â€Å"Over the 1966-1976 period, 4 percent of all net new invested funds of U. S. transnational corporations in the less developed countries where reinvested earnings, 50 percent were funds acquired locally, and only 1 percent funds newly transfered from the United States† (emphasis added). Defenders of MNCs concede that inflows from investments by corporations in developing countries are typically smaller than outflows of repatriated profits. But such comparisons are irrelevant or misleading. The fact that corporations took more money out of Country X in 1998 that they put into that country in that same year does not prove that Country X is being â€Å"decapitalised†, because what comes out from Country X in the form of repatriated profits in that year is not a function of funds going into the country during that time. Rather the profits of 1998 are the result of corporate investments in several preceding years. Such comparison also ignore the facts that once capital is invested in a country (even if it is borrowed from banks within that country), it forms the basis of a stock of capital, which can grow and produce more with each passing year. In other words, once a factory is set up, some of the profits every year will be sent to the MNC's home country, and it is quite possible that no money will be brought in. But part of the rest of the profits, year after year, will be paid in taxes, and the remainder will be used to expand production, hire new people, and pay more each year in salaries and wages. This argument certainly does not end the controversies surrounding MNCs. They also are blamed for balance-of-trade problems, for using inappropriate capital-intensive technology (in countries where labour is in surplus supply), and for encouraging the rich to indulge in conspicuous consumption of luxury products instead of investing in the productive capacity of their countries, while at the same time persuading the poor to drink Coca-Cola instead of milk. Perhaps the strongest argument that can be made in defence of MNCs point out that in the long run, they are destined to get caught in dilemmas from which there is no obvious escape. Take, for example, the focus by critics on the enormous profits that they repatriate. If MNCs respond to this criticism by bkeeping that money in the host countries and reinvesting it there, they are unlikely to boost their own popularity. Continuous reinvestment will eventually become very threatening in the host country as MNCs expand and take over larger shares of domestic markets. If MNCs avoid capital-intensive technology and turn to more labour intensive production techniques, critics complain that they are using poor countries as dumping ground for obsolete technology. In general, the longer a MNC stays in a developing country, the more reasons there will be for it to become unpopular. When they first arrive, they create jobs and face the risk of failure. But after they have become established, the risks are minimal, and they seem to be sitting there raking in enormous profits. If the MNC hires many local people for important positions of responsibility, this is likely to speed the day when the nationals feel they can run the subsidiary on their own, without the help of the MNC. If the MNC keeps citizens of the host country out of management positions, that may lead even more quickly to antagonism on the part of the host country, whose citizens will argue that MNC's employment policies are designed to keep them in a position of permanent subordination and dependence. That subsidiaries of MNCs in developing countries will become unpopular seems all but inevitable, but that unpopularity is not necessarily deserved. They may serve for engines of development even if they provoke antagonism and opposition. Many researchers have tried to determine the overall impact of MNCs in developing economies by statistically analysing the relationship between foreign investments and economic performance . Some have found that foreign investments in Third World countries retards economic growth; additional analyses reveal correlations between foreign investments and inequalities in the distribution of wealth. But the weight of contrary evidence is such that conclusions regarding these controversies must be even more than normally tentative . Albert Szymansky concludes that much of the empirical work reporting deleterious effects of foreign investment â€Å"in reality†¦ demonstrates nothing more than how easy it is to produce just about any conceivable results with multivariate computer analysis- if one is willing to throw in enough control variables and utilise enough different sets of countries† . Although this comment may be insensitive to many complex problems that can make simple, seemingly more straightforward analyses even more misleading, it does voice what seems to be an increasingly common opinion about the impact of MNC investment in developing countries: the nature of the impact depends on how the government of a given country deals with it. (And how is dealt with is not inevitably determined by the presence of the investment. ) In other words, MNC investments can have bad effects, but dealt with effectively, they also can bring substantial benefits. As Robert Gilpin concludes, MNCs are â€Å"neither as positive nor as negative in their impact on development as liberals or their critics suggests. Foreign direct investment can help or hinder, but the major determinants of economic development lie within LDCs (less-developed countries) themselves† . However, dependency theorists would disagree. Their basic argument is that foreign investment, or any other economic contact that poor countries have with the world's economic system, particularly with the rich, capitalist, industrialised countries, has almost uniformly disastrous effects on the economic and political fortunes of those countries.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Frank Luntz Lections on Beliefs, Attitudes, and Values Essay

Frank Luntz Lections on Beliefs, Attitudes, and Values - Essay Example Similarly, there are certain aspects in the manner he makes his presentation which needs to be corrected so as to make it even better. Luntz is very keen on involving his audience in his presentation. He does not simply stand on the podium and give a speech. Rather, he occasionally asks questions which are very important in keeping the audience much engaged and alert. He interludes his talk with a number of very interesting questions which effectively connect with the audience. This is certainly an important part of making a successful speech and ensuring that the audience is motivated to listen further. In the same way, Luntz does not just stand in one place at the podium during his talk. He greatly moves around the podium and as he walks across and talks. This makes people very engaged and not bored. The focus in this regard is to ensure that the audience is not fixated and subsequently bored. In this regard, Luntz is very effective in the context of audience adaptation. In making his points, Luntz uses plenty of relevant examples which the audience can easily associate with. He does make his presentation full of theory and abstract reasoning. Rather, he talks about the daily things which his audience relates with. In a way, Luntz has a great sense of humour which helps in keeping the audience alert and greatly involved. This humour is not actually far-fetched but is drawn from the very situations which the audience experience daily. Luntz makes a comparison between the performance of Obama and McCain in the 2008 election campaigns. He attributes Obama’s success to the ability to easily connect and relate to the audience while making his speeches. On the other hand, McCain is presented as somebody who highly depends on the teleprompter and does not thereby clearly connect with his audience. Luntz maintains a proper eye contact with the audience and also greatly applies gestures in driving his points.     

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Kantianism and Utilitarianism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Kantianism and Utilitarianism - Essay Example On the other hand, Kant postulated his theory, Kantianism that offers ethical guidelines that help people in making ethical decisions. This paper will focus on evaluating a euthanasia case of Brophy, using utilitarianism and Kantianism. Brophy is a patient in persistent vegetative state, whose wife expressed the intent of carrying out passive euthanasia. Using the views from the two philosophers, this paper will examine whether euthanasia is an ethically right choice. Kantianism Immanuel Kant described a deontological ethical philosophy titled as ‘Kantianism’. He made it evident that in his view, duty, good will, and moral worth were critical aspects in determining of the action taken. He opined that duty was the only reason that should motivate an ethical action (Abel 24). According to him, human beings are moral agents that should use reasoning while making ethical decisions. In his view, one could only settle on morally worth decisions when guided by goodwill and duty . Kant embarked on defining the universal laws that determine the duty of making morally worthy decisions. He formulated two different versions of the categorical imperative. The first version was the universal law that defined that humans must act in a manner that qualifies categorization as universal. The second version of the categorical imperative highlighted that it was critical for humans to consider humanity as the end and refrain from regarding it as merely a means (58). Kant describes certain maxims that were critical as guidelines for making ethical decisions. These principles were the product and reason and were namely duty, goodwill, and categorical imperative. Therefore, the will determining why an individual carries out a certain action cannot receive underestimation in deontology. He advanced his views to highlight that the only way in which an individual could exhibit good will was through taking action out of duty. In Kant’s definition, good will denotes the ability of human beings in taking decisions based on principles. Acting in fulfillment of duty refers to actions motivated by good will and not feelings, emotions or self-interest. Duty and good will are moral principles that complement each other. Kant also highlighted that actions motivated by duty exhibited moral worth. He placed emphasis on the need for actions to depict a sense of moral worth (49). Moreover, Kant explained the value of dignity towards human beings. He emphasized that it is critical for people to act in ways that exhibit the dignity for others. Utilitarianism This moral theory is the work of philosopher Mill. The central principle of the ethical view is that actions taken should produce happiness and pleasure to a large number of people (59). The moral theory emphasizes the value of making considerations of the potential consequences of actions. Mill opined that an ethical decision is one that translated to a measure of happiness and pleasure to people. If more people found pleasure and happiness in the decision, then he considered the specific action more ethical. According to this moral theory, decisions should have a basis on the benefits they can offer to the society (68). His philosophy encourages the compromise of individual interest while focusing on promoting a higher sense of ‘common good’ in the society. The central principle of this moral theory is the ‘greatest happiness principle’. This principle implies that judgment of actions occurs according to the measure and proportion that they cause happiness or its reverse state (84). Mill opined that highly ethical actions cause a high level of happiness

Global Marketing Final Project on Pantaloons LTD - India's largest Term Paper

Global Marketing Final Project on Pantaloons LTD - India's largest fashion retailer - Term Paper Example Pantaloon also sells products of more than 50 private labels such as of big bazaar or food bazaar. Pantaloon has a vertically integrated management structure and the manufacturing expertise is more focused on supply the latest fashion to the market in the shortest possible time. The manifesto of the company is to explore the untapped market and form new rules to create fresh opportunities. It is always kept in mind that the customers get what they want to have and also assist them how and where to get their desired product. Pantaloons has always spotted the future trends and accordingly offered products or services to the customers. The company's vision and mission is to serve its customers and stakeholders by leading them towards a wonderful future (â€Å"Overview†). 2. Screening and Evaluation of the Potential International Market Pantaloon is one of the key players in the Indian retail market. The company has a well establish retail chain and a well planned distribution cha nnel around the country. This is moment when the company can think about global expansion. This study would analyze the retail environment conditions of three African countries, namely Ghana, Kenya and Angola for preparing an expansion plan for Pantaloons, in Africa. The initial focus would be on the launching the food section of Pantaloon called Food Bazaar. For this it is very important to do proper screening and evaluate the potentials of the Food Bazaar in retail market of these countries to identify the most suitable market. The screening and evaluation of the markets can be done by analyzing and monitor the international market. a. International Market Intelligence Overview The retail sector in Kenya has shown... Pantaloon is one of the key players in the Indian retail market. The company has a well establish retail chain and a well planned distribution channel around the country. This is moment when the company can think about global expansion. This study would analyze the retail environment conditions of three African countries, namely Ghana, Kenya and Angola for preparing an expansion plan for Pantaloons, in Africa. The initial focus would be on the launching the food section of Pantaloon called Food Bazaar. For this it is very important to do proper screening and evaluate the potentials of the Food Bazaar in retail market of these countries to identify the most suitable market. The screening and evaluation of the markets can be done by analyzing and monitor the international market. The retail sector in Kenya has shown positive progress since the last few years. In 2011, the growth in the wholesale and the retail sector has being about 7.3 percent, which was more than the manufacturing, a griculture, transportation or communication sector. The revenue generated by the retail sector was about 18.5 percent. Though the retail sector is developing in Kenya, yet they require some set of retail development guidelines or policies to sustain this growth. The retail market in Kenya is becoming overcrowded with new retail chains.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Textual Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3

Textual Analysis - Essay Example She tries to compare the human ears with the dried peach halves (Forche 1). The use of this simile brings out a stark image where she shows how lifeless the ears were but after dropping them in water, they became lively. The contrast and comparison elaborates on the Colonel’s brutality. Simile has also been used to compare the window gratings in the house with those that are found in the liquor stores. The use of irony is evident in the poems title â€Å"the Colonel† where Forsche is treated to a very sumptuous dinner. They are served with lamb racks, wine and green mangoes which tend to reflect a feast. However, they are also served with bread, which they do not know its type. As the writer puts it, there is a golden bell which is used to summon the maid. It is ironical to have a golden bell just to summon the domestic worker. Another type of irony is evident where the parrot joins their conversation on governance issues. On another perspective, the parrot does not com prehend anything on governance since it is not human but from the poem, it contributes to the interesting topic. The parrot reinforces the ugly events that the Colonel is talking explaining. It is also ironical in situations where the writer nods her head to agree to the Colonel’s stories that are brutal and horrifying (Forche 1). Irony is also evident in the scene where Forche claims that her friend talked to her with her eyes so that she should not say anything after the Colonel kicks the parrot out. The author also brings irony where she talks about the fence that had broken bottle glass, which would rip off and individual’s kneecaps. Repetition has also been used to create emphasis of the story. The writer has emphasized on the use of the word ‘some’, which has been used three times. For example, the Colonel says ‘something for your poetry’. The word has also been used in cases where Forche says ‘some of the ears on the floor’ . The use of ‘some of the’ has been used twice at the end of the poem to emphasize of the number of ears that had been thrown on the floor. Repetition is used in poems to create a rhythm that will help the reader. In this poem, repetition has been used to express emotions that have come up due to the Colonel’s brutality. For poets to come up with good poems, most of them employ the use of repetition since it creates a rhythm and alliteration for the reader. How the visual special devices affect the viewer and their effectiveness In the poem â€Å"The Colonel†, the writer has used visual impacts to reveal the image of the Colonel and his brutal acts. From the start of the poem, the poet tries to bring out a clear picture of the Colonel’s house. The author starts by describing the family members, the house, and its surroundings and later brings out the aspect of brutality after the Colonel brings out the ears. For emphasize on brutality, the author al so says that there is a pistol put on a cushion beside the Colonel. The author has also included every single detail that is happening in the house to create an imaginary house in the reader’s mind. She also explains what was on the television as they walked into the house. These special devices have led to visual imagery in the poem. According to the poem’s structure, the author has presented her work in just one paragraph that emphasizes on concrete poetry. The line placements and flow of words in the poem brings visual imagery. The longest lines in the poem try to

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Hospitality marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Hospitality marketing - Essay Example rms of implementing various marketing strategies especially promotional and advertising campaigns in order to communicate about their facilities and availabilities regarding foods and services to a large group of customers. They communicate about the offerings of their exceptional foods, services, designed lobbies as well as their attractive locations. Moreover, the hospitality industry also focuses to communicate about their quality and value based services for the customers (Shoemaker & Shaw 18). However, the product/service orientation approach has also certain drawbacks which might affect the performance of the companies operating in the hospitality industry. The major problem in the product/service orientation approach can be identified as the offerings of the organizations may not be adequate as per the needs and the desires of the customers (Shoemaker & Shaw 18). This orientation can potentially cause a gap between the expectations of the customers related to the offered product/service and the actual provided product/service. This orientation can positively affect word-of-mouth and customer loyalty due to reason that a satisfied customer will be willing to recommend the used service or product to his/her peers or colleagues. The operations orientation concept of an organization involves the categorization process of the operations in order to efficiently achieve the goals and objectives of the organization. The concept facilitates the organizations to design the roles and the responsibilities of the members allocated in different operational levels of the organization. The operations orientation concept aids to develop the practice in the operational divisions as per the needs and the requirements of the customers (Shoemaker & Shaw 17). However, the operations orientation concept also can impact on an organization’s efficient functioning due to an inadequate understanding of the consumer desires and needs which might create a gap between the services

Monday, September 23, 2019

Critical Issues faced by the managers while they set a project where Assignment

Critical Issues faced by the managers while they set a project where the associated persons of the project are from different culture - Assignment Example The paper tells that when a company management wants to start a new project then they have to take many factors in account. History shows that the projects which have got success are very much lesser than the projects which have failure. There are many factors which are associated with the project. If a project gets success then it can generate some big amount of revenue but if it gets failed then the cost of the project would go in vain. The project only gets success if that manager of the firm has done a proper planning. At first the manager has to make sure that the project is financially viable that is by using the financial tools he has to make sure that the project would generate profit for the firm. Then the firm has to fix the location for the project and also the labour who will execute the planning into reality. Then there is the marketing and sales and distribution of the project about which also the managers should make a plan. The workers are a major part of the project. In the era of globalization persons of different cultures, different religions can be associated with the project. The project can also be a multinational project where the top management has to control the employees who are of different nationality. When a team of people based in different locations and they work in the same project then the team is known as the virtual team. The members of the virtual teams don’t meet but they work on the same project communicating by video conference, phone or e-mail on a regular basis. The virtual team concept has started since 1973 (Mihhailova and Piiriste, n.d., p.9). In a company where the project is done in the face to face team then there is fixed team membership, the team members are located in one place, they are 100% dedicated as they have to work in one project and the team has only one manager. But in the virtual team there is much difference from the face to face team. There are many advantages and disadvantages associated in the virtual team process. Modern communication process has open a new window of collaborative work where the knowledge can be shared by the members of the organization who are in different places and this would be ultimately effective for the organization as a whole (Kimball, 1997, p.1). Despite of its advantages virtual teams becomes more complex day by day as there are many challenges when the persons work in a virtual team. The virtual team has to face the language difficulties as the virtual team members are from different locations of the world; there is problem of time zone, absence of face to face contact, reporting to different part of the organization. Also there are problems of conflict management; problem of making decision above all there is the problem of cultural barriers. There are some issues regarding culture of the workers as it can be different. Some workers of the team may be aggressive and some other may be of not that type. So there can be a misunderstanding ar ising between the team and so mistrust. When the Americans like a fast response and they use a sparse and targeted prose when they used to communicate by an e-mail; the Japanese are not of that type. They are in the side of a careful and proper response, the idea of the sparse prose where is problem of grammar is measured as an incomplete message. So working in this cross cultural situations where people from different cultures are there the culturally based problems usually arise, so the company has to solve the problem consciously for effectively manage the situation. When there is mistrust

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Toussaint LVourture Essay Example for Free

Toussaint LVourture Essay In 1861, Wendell Phillips delivered a speech about the great accomplishments of the most powerful leader in Haiti; Toussaint-Louverture. The speech was written around the time when African Americans did not have the right to serve in the military. In his speech, Wendell Phillips praises Toussaint Louverture for creating equal rights when it comes to serving in the military. Wendell Phillips uses magnificent examples and metaphors to inform us about Toussaint-Louverture’s great accomplishments; which are creating equal rights for everybody who wants to join the military. Phillips’s purpose is to show people that they can accomplish their goals, if they are willing to fight for them. Toussaint-Louverture reached his goal of allowing African Americans to serve in the military by fighting against many armies and showing them that it doesn’t matter what race a person is. One of the examples Phillips uses is â€Å"Men who despised him as a negro and a slave, and hated him because he had beaten them in many a battle.† It shows that the Britons, Frenchmen, and Spaniards think that Toussaint-Louverture is of little value because of the fact that he is a slave and an African American, but they also fear him because they know what he is capable of. Hoehlein2 The example demonstrates that it doesn’t matter what race someone is and that every person should have the right to live their dream; and if it is a person’s dream to serve in the military, he should be allowed to fulfill it. The metaphor â€Å"We measure genius by quality, not by quantity†¦Ã¢â‚¬  that Wendell Phillips uses in his speech shows that Toussaint-Louverture has the ability to win the battles against those armies because he has the courage to fight for the rights of his people and he has his heart set on creating equal rights for everybody; and not because he has an army of thousands of men. Quality is far more important than quantity and African Americans should have the right to serve in the military if it is their dream to do so. Toussaint-Louverture proved that he was willing to fight for his dream of creating equal rights for everybody. When Wendell Phillips says â€Å"Then, dipping her pen in the sunlight, will write in the clear blue, [†¦] Toussaint-Louverture.† it demonstrates how greatly appreciated and respected Toussaint-Louverture was. He was considered the most powerful leader in Haiti back then because he fought for equal rights and he accomplished his goal. African Americans are now allowed to serve in the military because Toussaint-Louverture made it possible for them to do so.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Is Globalisation All About Technological Development Media Essay

Is Globalisation All About Technological Development Media Essay Globalization can be defined as the removing of borders and barriers to facilitate easy exchange of ideas, resources and knowledge between countries. Globalization describes the process by which regional economies, societies, and cultures have become integrated through a global network of communication, transportation, and trade. People around the globe are more connected to each other today than ever before in the history of mankind. Information and money flow more quickly than ever. Goods and services produced in one part of the world are increasingly available in all parts of the world. International travel is more frequent. International communication is usual. This phenomenon has been titled Globalization. It may be said that globalization is not a new phenomenon. It has been taking place for hundreds of years. The Romans used monetary systems, road infrastructure and a system of rules and order to maintain control over a widely dispersed empire. It is only the speed and extent of globalization has increased significantly over the past 15 years largely as a result of several developments: technological developments, better transport facility, which have led to a diminished importance of distance in trade. Income and technology have converged globally, particularly as China and India have experienced substantial economic growth resulting in reductions in poverty levels and rising incomes. Production processes have been relocated globally through off shoring and outsourcing of production. Trade and capital market integration has accelerated. It has helped countries to build a global market where they share new technologies and innovations. It has therefore created a global free market for goods and services. Since companies have moved overseas, goods and services are easily available and at affordable prices. It has been observed that countries are becoming dependent on each other for various resources. Even the dependence on cheap and new technologies is increasing all over the world. The integration of all major economies and major populations of the world, levels of dispersion of production processes around the world, development of more sophisticated financial markets and greater trade and investment flows than previously, have lead to an unprecedented pace of global economic integration. Production processes are also becoming increasing geographically fragmented. Historically, manufacturing plants were located in one place. For example, the earliest car manufacturing plants had all of their production processes located in one place, making it possible to observe basic raw materials being transformed into a car. Today, firms are breaking down the production chains into smaller discrete tasks that can be performed in different locations which allows them to achieve a competitive advantage (such as to minimize the costs, and to gain access to skills and knowledge or better access to markets). It is becoming an increasingly common feature in many large companies to locate their research and development in one country and their manufacturing plants in other countries. Usually, U.S., or China are talked about when we look forward for technical assistance. When it comes to production of electronics in particular, we can always quote that the world is dependent on China and Japan. The maximum goods are produced in China because of its cheap labor and advance technology assistance. The only question to be raised is that has globalization led to technological dependence or technological assistance. If we talk about technological assistance then we should not forget the concept of INTERNET. This has helped to define globalization as a path of creating connectivity between people of different culture across the world. Today we can communicate easily with people sitting across the globe. In fact we can easily acquire information and details on various products on internet. Even education can be provided through the net facility, whereby a student can have access to his teacher with the help of internet facility. More over companies like Educomp is providi ng facility of smart class teaching whereby students can study in monitor the practical aspect of what he was earlier just learning in theory. Apart from technological benefits, globalization has also removed the barrier of place and time i.e., geographical barrier which has directly benefited the society at a large. The availability to various international products at every corner of the world is like a gift to society. Its not only about availability but availability at affordable prices. Earlier if people had to purchase some product of some international brand say Apple, they use to think of USA. But now if one wants to buy the latest product they can just visit nearby store to fulfill their desire. Further facilities like cold storage has helped people to store various goods over a longer period of time at a cost which is tolerable. Earlier there use to be wastage of excess production of foods and vegetable due to absence of market. About 40% of food produced use to get wasted because of lack of cold storage. These days it is easily possible to store these products and are therefore available in off seasons also which leads to proper and optimal utilization of resources. There are even readymade food products available in the market which makes the life simpler for working people and also helps in saving their time. Moreover with the help proper storage of excess productions goods can be exported and imported easily. For instance, Mango a seasonal fruit usually is grown in large quantity in India. But cold storage facility and easy transportation has made it easy to export them in countries where the demand is high but supply is less. If we talk about commodities, high levels of demand in countries such as China are also impacting on the prices of commodities, particularly metals. These metal price rises are highly advantageous to countries that have high reserves of various metals such as Australia and Chile (copper). Countries that have a comparative advantage in commodities such as metals and other energy products can obtain significant benefits from globalization, particularly as other countries economies grow. As production expands in countries where there are relatively low levels of raw materials and energy supplies relative to exports of manufactured products, such as China, there will be increasing demand for the raw material and energy inputs for the goods produced. It is because of the globalisation that the gap between cultural behavior and thought is reducing. Earlier every country had their own castes and culture, whereby people generally communicated in their national language and it was very difficult for a foreign person to understand and communicate with locals. But globalization has helped to remove this disparity also by making a standard language for people to communicate in. Since people all over the world are familiar with English it has become easy to communicate for everyone. In fact in India where there is more than one culture, it has made easy for the people to interact very fluently. Even a change in dressing sense of people is seen as a remarkable change because of globalization. People generally have a common dress code of jeans, trouser, shirt, t-shirt. Whereas earlier every culture had their own dress code. It is just because of globalization that has created a demand for like products across the world. Hence now it is all about commonness between common and like people. The Olympics is another landmark which has contributed to society by giving a common platform for various countries to compete in terms of their sports. It is seen as an event where without any cultural and racial discrimination people show a sense of togetherness. We show a sign of respect for each other, which help us to make earth a better place to live in. To conclude can we say that globalization has lead to liberalization. To be precise it seems more about modernization rather than liberalization. Today almost all the developed and even some developing countries are trying to adapt the western culture and hence becoming modern people by giving up their social norms and responsibilities. Today we have become so technologically oriented that we will feel paralyzed without it. From morning to evening we take assistance of technology to live a comfortable life. All the credit goes to globalization which has made it so easy for us, that everything is available at our door step. It seems really difficult to vision a life without technology. A simple device as mobile has become a necessity for every individual. Earlier it was just telephone which was sufficient but those days with simple lives are long gone. In fact now it is used just in fax machine, for data transfer instead of its primary use of medium of communication. The change of idea and usage of product is so variable and vast that its just not a gift to society but a blessing to mankind. Guy Brainbant: says that the process of globalization not only includes opening up of world trade, development of advanced means of communication, internationalization of financial markets, growing importance of MNCs, population migrations and more generally increased mobility of persons, goods, capital, data and ideas but also infections, diseases and pollution.( Today our society is more driven by the concept of efficiency, latest innovation. We are often attracted towards goods and services which are newly launched. There might not be a very urgent need but it creates a place for itself in the market. We seem to be forgetting the difference between our needs and comfort. Whatever is comfortable is becoming a need for us. What we require today is more of comfortable life than a standard life and in this race we are leaving our culture and ethics far behind. Generations have survived without such comfort, then how difficult should it be for us? What has made us to be so dependent that we have lost the importance of all our being? The answer is Globalization, an infection, a disease. proposals put forward by some groups internationally. One of the main causes of projected growth in CO2 emissions is rising energy consumption. Among high consumers of energy China is one country where use of energy and CO2 levels are expected to rise significantly. China also has a high level of reliance on coal for energy supplies relative to other countries. Globalization has contributed a lot to society but has in return taken away the real value of our lives. Earlier people used to stay under one roof and had a feeling of respect towards elders. Even today we have respect but the respect is for money and monetary value. We have started valuing things over life. Is that the reason why its so difficult for people to stay under one roof. It seems we have become human mechanics which is hardly left with any emotions. Had so not been the scenario then there would have not been the need for old age homes. The question lies is what has made our life so fast and furious that we leave behind those dear ones to suffer when they need us the most. Is the thirst of staying ahead or a desire to win a race which never existed few years ago. Once again its globalization that has created such a competitive environment that everyone wants to outperform the other. It has rather become so important to perform that we forget about the people who helps us to form our life. What is the need of old age home if someone still has a son or a daughter who should be taking care of them. It is proven fact that some people are leaving theirs morals behind. But thanks to few people that even in todays world humanity exists. It is all about being there for people when they need support of people. A small act of guiding one voluntarily when someone is going wrong reflects humanity. The very concept of nuclear family is exchange of human thoughts from the Eastern countries to rest of the world. People today in race of being independent are forgetting the importance of togetherness. People like to shift to developed countries to make their career and lifestyles better. What they leave behind is their near and dear ones. At times it becomes difficult for parents to fight for their survival. In most of the modern countries like Singapore the major problem is that people are becoming too career-oriented and technology oriented. Hence they have lack of time for interaction and socializing with the people around them. They not only refuse to socialize with people around them but also their dear ones. The research has proved that most of the old people in these kinds of countries spend a very lonely and depressed old age hood. They dont have anyone to look after them. At this juncture they look forward to old age homes where they spend their time in some comfort becaus e somewhere they feel the absence of their dear ones. The very concept of Old age home is to give support to elderly people who are in need of great help. One can say it to be a place for the most needed people, where they dont need anything else. Hence, globalization can play a major role in helping such groups of people instead of improving the lifestyles for the people who already have good lifestyles. For instance globalization helps in improving the standard of living of rich people but does not help the poor people at all, who are the majority in the society. Therefore, it can be concluded that globalization has better role to play for the society in the other ways and not only by improving the pattern of life style by introducing new technologies everyday.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Jesusville and Catholic Boys: Silent Suffering in the Novel Essay

Philip Cioffari, in both works, Jesusville and Catholic Boys, puts forth the idea of the â€Å"silent sufferer.† Used in different ways in each of the novels, the â€Å"silent sufferer† is characterized by guilt and shame. This discussion looks at Vee in Jesusville, whose character undergoes punishment as a way of being possessed and alleviating the lost and lonely feeling within her and Arthur and Donald in Catholic Boys, who are punished for the guilt of others’ sins. These characters â€Å"suffer silently,† each one reinforcing major themes in â€Å"their† novels through their punishment. To begin, the discussion focuses on Vicki’s character in Jesusville. When first introduced to Vicki, Cioffari describes her as having a startling beauty, dressed with a look that seemed to be â€Å"a threat to her safety† (Cioffari 14). Shortly into the novel, we see Vicki’s uneasiness and her need for validation—that is a confirmation of self and of the existence of another. Cioffari writes, â€Å"With her rigid glaze she seemed almost catatonic. She wanted him there, but it was as if nothing existed but herself and maybe not even that† (Cioffari 21). Vicki realizes her need to be validated; though, she is unaware of how she is to obtain it. Vicki then asks Trace, â€Å"Did you ever think when you look at yourself like this in the mirror that what you’re seeing isn’t really you† (Cioffari 22)? She continues, stating, â€Å"I’m not Vicki anymore. From now on I want you to call me Vee. Okay† (Cioffari 22)? It is at this point in the novel that Vee becomes aware of her own isolation—to Trace and to others. Her loneliness eats away at her and makes it impossible for her to have a fulfilling relationship. Vicki’s shift into the personage of Vee is her validation of the person that s... ... example of the silent sufferer. On the cross, Christ cries out in pain, but never against the men beating him. In none of the biblical accounts does ask them to stop and think about what they are doing. Instead he looks to his Father, resigning himself to God’s will, knowing that he must be the sacrifice, and like Vee, bear the weight of crimes. As silent sufferers and pictures of Christ, Vee, Arthur, and Donald absolve their sins through their resignation to suffering. Vee is able to alleviate the brokenness within her, resolving her â€Å"faith crisis.† Arthur gives up his fleshly body order to gain a spiritual body through death. Through this process they demonstrate major themes in novel including: redemption, sin, consequences, and resolution—ideas that can be seen not just in the stories of these three characters, but in the majority of Cioffari’s characters.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Problem With The Media Essay -- essays research papers

Problems with the Media There has been an ongoing dispute concerning the media's perception of how people are supposed to look. It seems that every year, the expectations of looking thin becomes harder and harder to meet. I know this from a personal experience of my own. A few years ago, I would look in magazines and see girls wearing size one or size two clothes. By look at this at least once every month, I started to feel that I was inadequate and I had to loose weight. Unfortunately, I took my dieting to far and over used diet pills. Because of my abuse to the pills, I almost became addicted and that's when I realized how distorted the media's idea of looking good was. Fortunately there are numerous amounts of people that agree with me. This would include a woman writer, Susan Bordo, who wrote about the media's ideas of being thin, and how she thinks that they are wrong In the essay "Never Just Pictures" by Susan Bordo, she discusses the issue of the media's promotion of being skinny and what affects this has brought. The media claims that the phobia of being fat is a disease that you are born with, but that is not always the case. Bordo, like many other people, believe that the media is mostly to blame. Bordo brings up a few arguments, such as Freud's opposing thoughts along with the ads cutting back the use of make-up, but never goes into Yarbrough 2 great detail with the opposing side. Throughout the essay, Bordo uses many examples, along with pictures, to help prove her point. By using her emotions, evidence, and experience as a writer on similar subjects, she reaches her audience and gives and effective and convincing argument. Bordo proves her creditability throughout the paper. She demonstrates that she is an intellectual woman with a grasp on current events. She mentions articles from highly renowned newspapers, such as The New York Times and The New Yorker, along with referring to newscasters' comments from the 1996 Olympic games. She also justifies the writing by mentioning her pervious work in the 1993's Unbearable Weight, where she discusses similar issues. The book, published by the University Press, shows that she had obvious academic knowledge and support. Bordo's targets an audience of younger to middle-aged women by using termi... ... though it might not seem completely fair, Bordo saves the media's responses and mentions them at the end. The reason why she does this is not only keep the reader interested but not going back and forth on the issue, but also build up the audiences agreement with her. This way she can get more response from her reader up against the press. When Bordo does mention the opposing side, anything that the media says and/or does just isn't good enough because they are causing people to get sick and sometimes die. This would force the audience to agree with her more, which is what she wants. Bordo does a great job with getting in touch with the reader. This article, however, is not very effective unless the reader cares about the issue before they pick it up and read it. She does a good job of arguing with the opposing sides, so if someone reads the article and their beliefs are against her beliefs; there is a possibility that they would change their minds. The reason for the possible change of heart from her lists of examples, her reasoning with it being backed up by media proof, and how much feeling she puts into the essay

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

catcher in the rye :: essays research papers

What was Holden’s problem? Use incidents and examples from the book to support your conclusion.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the book â€Å"The Catcher in the Rye†, by J.D. Salinger. The main character of the book and narrator was Holden Caulfield, who moves from prep school to prep school. He is sixteen years old and a junior at Pencey Prep. Holden is intelligent and sensitive. Holden’s problem in this book was that he felt lonely and scared of the adult world. He was also confused about life and the people in it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Holden feels tormented by the memory of his younger brother Allie’s death. His life was also complicated by his sexuality. This was shown all throughout the book, especially when he was with Sunny, the prostitute, in the hotel room. He had the opportunity to do sexual things with her but he did not because he felt uncomfortable. Usually Holden does not do anything to girls on dates if they say no, but it was different with the prostitute it was her job and he still decided not to do anything with her because he did not feel sexy enough.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  He wants to see his sister, Phoebe, and his old girlfriend Jane Gallagher, but instead he spends time with Sally Hayes. Although, Holden says he really likes Jane but he never calls her. He is confused about his feelings. Holden got really lonely roaming around the city, so he decides to sneak back to his parents apartment to talk to Phoebe. He borrows some money from her because he was broke and she offered all her Christmas money. This is when Holden really felt like a loser. He felt that he can not accomplish to nothing taking money from his little sister, so he decides to give it back to her. This is when he started thinking much harder about life and that he needs to get into the adult world and out this little kids world and grow up.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Holden experiences a nervous breakdown as he wonders the streets of NYC. As he is crossing the street he feels as if he is going

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


One of the reasons is the increase in accessibility of formula. Breastfeeding rates declined sharply because of the widespread belief that pastured cows milk eliminated the differences between human and cow's milk feeding' (Wolf 2003 [as cited in DAD, 2009]). Many organizations are in support and promote breastfeeding for example, Center for Disease Control and Healthy people with goals Of increasing the rate of breastfeeding mothers. Multiple benefits result from breastfeeding for both infant and mother.The DAD (2009) list multiple benefits; for example, bonding between mother and infant, essential trident, immunity properties, decrease in allergies and other intolerance's, decrease in sudden infant death and long term affect of decrease in type 1 and 2 diabetes, heart disease, obesity and high cholesterol. There are also positive effects for the mother. For example, low risk in chronic diseases and other physical benefits as well as financial. The benefits are overwhelming for both mother and infant. In regards to benefits to society, according to the U.S Department of Health and Human Services (2014), breast-feeding can reduce infant mortality, less medical cost, more productive work force and good for the environment. It is our responsibility to assist and educate new mothers on the benefits by promoting and encouraging short term and long-term benefits of breastfeeding for both mother and infant (DAD, 2009). In order to provide effective teaching to a new mother, I must take into consideration the health literacy of the mother and any cultural beliefs she may have. The educational approach must be culturally sensitive and set in an environment that is conducive to learning.An assessment made on preferred learning can assist the new mom in adhering to breastfeeding and setting aside any misconceptions, she may have. I would involve the mom and family with creating short and long-term goals and implementing strategies. This article is an excellent article th at provides all the benefits for both her and her infant. An excellent resource to provide this new mom with up to date information is La Lech League. This website provides information on techniques, other resources, publications and tips on breastfeeding.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Developing Good Business Sense

Developing Good Business Sense Axia College of University of Phoenix BUS 210 Developing Good Business Sense June 29, 2008 The three companies I selected for this assignment are McDonalds, Bose Corporation and Motorola. From the reading I was able to determine the employee’s organizational structure within this company’s by which they complete their jobs. I will review and outline the main kinds of Operations and Materials Management (OMM) processes these companies use, and how it affects their operations. Also, I will discuss how companies design their operating systems to give them a competitive advantage. I will identify which components of operations and materials management costs and the methods companies use to reduce them. McDonald’s is a highly successful and well recognized brand leader of fast food restaurants located around the world. They sell hamburgers and french fries as their primary products, and they work with many different food suppliers such as hamburger bun manufacturers, beef producers, produce suppliers and many others, to ensure their foods are as fresh as possible. McDonald’s sells franchise rights to local owner/operators which allow them to keep costs low and avoid high capital and plant investment costs. Since a great deal of McDonald’s service is reliant on delivering customer’s food fresh, McDonald’s use the Just in Time (JIT) inventory management system. This system reviews stock inventory levels available against product usage, and arranges delivery and restocking to the restaurants just as inventory items are needed. This allows inventory to be kept to a minimum in each franchise location. Foods for the restaurants are not warehoused for days or weeks, and are efficiently managed under this system so they are used quickly and, freshness is guaranteed. Each franchise owner keeps labor costs down by managing store staff schedules against the peak customer periods when the restaurant gets busy. Another technique McDonald’s uses to keep distribution costs low, is to have soft drink company’s ship only the soda syrup mix needed for each brand, which is then mixed with carbonated water at the soda fountain in the store. McDonalds has also begun to employ the use of robotics to complete routine, repetitive tasks such as filling soda orders for the drive through window and dumping fries into the fry maker, as a means of making their food quicker and less expensively. Over time the return on investment for these developments will pay off greatly in saved labor costs. Of course, the most important element in any McDonald’s restaurants is that employees must be organized and communicate effectively. Wasted food equates to wasted money and if a special order is needed, staff must talk to each other to make sure it is done right the first time. By working together as a team the cooks, preparation staff, and cashiers help to keeps the orders organized and production is kept high. The Bose Corporation is a world renowned manufacturer of high-fidelity speakers and audio equipment. The company’s ability to meet customer demand for their products is dependant on the supply chain and availability of components needed to complete customer orders. The company uses a supply chain network that is spread across the globe, with their primary source of over 50% of purchased components coming from the Far East. Logistics managers within the company bear the responsibility of moving the vast amounts of equipment into production, based on a real-time inventory management system called â€Å"ProterLink†. This system is able to locate supplies that are needed anywhere in the shipping chain, and divert them if necessary to meet an accelerated production schedule if necessary. This operational system gives Bose the advantage of meeting large customer’s orders without missing a beat. Transportation costs associated with material movement and management from suppliers to their Bose’ production facility would be a key cost consideration for the company. If supplies needed to fill orders are transported efficiently and are timed to correspond to production schedules, costs would be lower because unnecessary components would not take valuable inventory space away from items that are in need to complete orders, thereby maximizing production effectiveness. Motorola, a global communications leader, is using a unique forward thinking production plan to bring their services and products to market. In their self-named, â€Å"factory of the future†, custom made communication devices can be produced very quickly for customers, giving Motorola a competitive advantage. The process starts with sales person who receives the order and inputs all of the customer’s customization preferences. This information is provided as a barcode and relayed to the production facility, which uses automation technology (robots) to produce the phone in accordance with the customer’s wishes. Using robots gives Motorola a competitive advantage because they are able to mass produce large volumes of customized phones, with only a two-hour turnaround window. The universal operational strategy in any business is to meet the goal of customer satisfaction. The company’s reviewed accomplish that goal through improving quality and efficiency, and ultimately reducing costs. [pic] Developing Good Business Sense Developing Good Business Sense Axia College of University of Phoenix BUS 210 Developing Good Business Sense June 29, 2008 The three companies I selected for this assignment are McDonalds, Bose Corporation and Motorola. From the reading I was able to determine the employee’s organizational structure within this company’s by which they complete their jobs. I will review and outline the main kinds of Operations and Materials Management (OMM) processes these companies use, and how it affects their operations. Also, I will discuss how companies design their operating systems to give them a competitive advantage. I will identify which components of operations and materials management costs and the methods companies use to reduce them. McDonald’s is a highly successful and well recognized brand leader of fast food restaurants located around the world. They sell hamburgers and french fries as their primary products, and they work with many different food suppliers such as hamburger bun manufacturers, beef producers, produce suppliers and many others, to ensure their foods are as fresh as possible. McDonald’s sells franchise rights to local owner/operators which allow them to keep costs low and avoid high capital and plant investment costs. Since a great deal of McDonald’s service is reliant on delivering customer’s food fresh, McDonald’s use the Just in Time (JIT) inventory management system. This system reviews stock inventory levels available against product usage, and arranges delivery and restocking to the restaurants just as inventory items are needed. This allows inventory to be kept to a minimum in each franchise location. Foods for the restaurants are not warehoused for days or weeks, and are efficiently managed under this system so they are used quickly and, freshness is guaranteed. Each franchise owner keeps labor costs down by managing store staff schedules against the peak customer periods when the restaurant gets busy. Another technique McDonald’s uses to keep distribution costs low, is to have soft drink company’s ship only the soda syrup mix needed for each brand, which is then mixed with carbonated water at the soda fountain in the store. McDonalds has also begun to employ the use of robotics to complete routine, repetitive tasks such as filling soda orders for the drive through window and dumping fries into the fry maker, as a means of making their food quicker and less expensively. Over time the return on investment for these developments will pay off greatly in saved labor costs. Of course, the most important element in any McDonald’s restaurants is that employees must be organized and communicate effectively. Wasted food equates to wasted money and if a special order is needed, staff must talk to each other to make sure it is done right the first time. By working together as a team the cooks, preparation staff, and cashiers help to keeps the orders organized and production is kept high. The Bose Corporation is a world renowned manufacturer of high-fidelity speakers and audio equipment. The company’s ability to meet customer demand for their products is dependant on the supply chain and availability of components needed to complete customer orders. The company uses a supply chain network that is spread across the globe, with their primary source of over 50% of purchased components coming from the Far East. Logistics managers within the company bear the responsibility of moving the vast amounts of equipment into production, based on a real-time inventory management system called â€Å"ProterLink†. This system is able to locate supplies that are needed anywhere in the shipping chain, and divert them if necessary to meet an accelerated production schedule if necessary. This operational system gives Bose the advantage of meeting large customer’s orders without missing a beat. Transportation costs associated with material movement and management from suppliers to their Bose’ production facility would be a key cost consideration for the company. If supplies needed to fill orders are transported efficiently and are timed to correspond to production schedules, costs would be lower because unnecessary components would not take valuable inventory space away from items that are in need to complete orders, thereby maximizing production effectiveness. Motorola, a global communications leader, is using a unique forward thinking production plan to bring their services and products to market. In their self-named, â€Å"factory of the future†, custom made communication devices can be produced very quickly for customers, giving Motorola a competitive advantage. The process starts with sales person who receives the order and inputs all of the customer’s customization preferences. This information is provided as a barcode and relayed to the production facility, which uses automation technology (robots) to produce the phone in accordance with the customer’s wishes. Using robots gives Motorola a competitive advantage because they are able to mass produce large volumes of customized phones, with only a two-hour turnaround window. The universal operational strategy in any business is to meet the goal of customer satisfaction. The company’s reviewed accomplish that goal through improving quality and efficiency, and ultimately reducing costs. [pic] Developing Good Business Sense Developing Good Business Sense Axia College of University of Phoenix BUS 210 Developing Good Business Sense June 29, 2008 The three companies I selected for this assignment are McDonalds, Bose Corporation and Motorola. From the reading I was able to determine the employee’s organizational structure within this company’s by which they complete their jobs. I will review and outline the main kinds of Operations and Materials Management (OMM) processes these companies use, and how it affects their operations. Also, I will discuss how companies design their operating systems to give them a competitive advantage. I will identify which components of operations and materials management costs and the methods companies use to reduce them. McDonald’s is a highly successful and well recognized brand leader of fast food restaurants located around the world. They sell hamburgers and french fries as their primary products, and they work with many different food suppliers such as hamburger bun manufacturers, beef producers, produce suppliers and many others, to ensure their foods are as fresh as possible. McDonald’s sells franchise rights to local owner/operators which allow them to keep costs low and avoid high capital and plant investment costs. Since a great deal of McDonald’s service is reliant on delivering customer’s food fresh, McDonald’s use the Just in Time (JIT) inventory management system. This system reviews stock inventory levels available against product usage, and arranges delivery and restocking to the restaurants just as inventory items are needed. This allows inventory to be kept to a minimum in each franchise location. Foods for the restaurants are not warehoused for days or weeks, and are efficiently managed under this system so they are used quickly and, freshness is guaranteed. Each franchise owner keeps labor costs down by managing store staff schedules against the peak customer periods when the restaurant gets busy. Another technique McDonald’s uses to keep distribution costs low, is to have soft drink company’s ship only the soda syrup mix needed for each brand, which is then mixed with carbonated water at the soda fountain in the store. McDonalds has also begun to employ the use of robotics to complete routine, repetitive tasks such as filling soda orders for the drive through window and dumping fries into the fry maker, as a means of making their food quicker and less expensively. Over time the return on investment for these developments will pay off greatly in saved labor costs. Of course, the most important element in any McDonald’s restaurants is that employees must be organized and communicate effectively. Wasted food equates to wasted money and if a special order is needed, staff must talk to each other to make sure it is done right the first time. By working together as a team the cooks, preparation staff, and cashiers help to keeps the orders organized and production is kept high. The Bose Corporation is a world renowned manufacturer of high-fidelity speakers and audio equipment. The company’s ability to meet customer demand for their products is dependant on the supply chain and availability of components needed to complete customer orders. The company uses a supply chain network that is spread across the globe, with their primary source of over 50% of purchased components coming from the Far East. Logistics managers within the company bear the responsibility of moving the vast amounts of equipment into production, based on a real-time inventory management system called â€Å"ProterLink†. This system is able to locate supplies that are needed anywhere in the shipping chain, and divert them if necessary to meet an accelerated production schedule if necessary. This operational system gives Bose the advantage of meeting large customer’s orders without missing a beat. Transportation costs associated with material movement and management from suppliers to their Bose’ production facility would be a key cost consideration for the company. If supplies needed to fill orders are transported efficiently and are timed to correspond to production schedules, costs would be lower because unnecessary components would not take valuable inventory space away from items that are in need to complete orders, thereby maximizing production effectiveness. Motorola, a global communications leader, is using a unique forward thinking production plan to bring their services and products to market. In their self-named, â€Å"factory of the future†, custom made communication devices can be produced very quickly for customers, giving Motorola a competitive advantage. The process starts with sales person who receives the order and inputs all of the customer’s customization preferences. This information is provided as a barcode and relayed to the production facility, which uses automation technology (robots) to produce the phone in accordance with the customer’s wishes. Using robots gives Motorola a competitive advantage because they are able to mass produce large volumes of customized phones, with only a two-hour turnaround window. The universal operational strategy in any business is to meet the goal of customer satisfaction. The company’s reviewed accomplish that goal through improving quality and efficiency, and ultimately reducing costs. [pic]

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Effect of Family History on Workplace Behavior Essay

Family is the very first environment that one person dwells with. This is where we are originated and as the tradition goes with the flow of fast changing society, still, the thought of conjugal connection is still imply nowadays. In any job interview, we are being called with our family name, thus, we always recognize professionally with our surname. In this part we could already see how people look at the origin of our great, great grand parents. In a scenario of a workplace, when one is new into the job, that person has yet to be acquainted with the other workmates. More often than not, the people we might forget to ask where we live, or when do we finish our study, but they do not forget to ask our family. The family name could be a tracing path of our history. We could not deny the fact that some other people, when they know that you came from a well-off family, or in a high profile family, they would tend to socialize with you easily. And also, they could even do you a favor at a time without any hesitations. In this case the family history affects one person positively since people in the job have good treatment towards the person. Further, there are also some cases that other people judge you based on your family. Some job hiring, when they know that one person has this surname, they immediately assume some characteristics that they could use as basis of accepting that person or not. For example, a person who has a family of Maxwell is easily accepted in a job hiring because based on the records of the employer, the family of Maxwell are responsible and hardworking. Both examples show positive remarks of family history towards a person. However, there are also people who are too judgmental in terms of the origin of the family o one person such that they connote one person of not-so-good characteristics and attributions. There are cases in any professional work that because one employee came from a family which has a relative of a convict or law violator, they also assumed that the person is the same with the relative since they believe in blood connection, such that the blood that circulates in their body are the same or one. They attribute it to the behavior of the person that the blood has something to do with the cognitive. In a nutshell, the family history affects the workplace behavior through their judgment or sometimes hasty generalization towards a person.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Antigone Mock Trial Essay

For you to find the Defendant guilty of the crime of Contempt, you must be convinced that the prosecution has proved one of the following beyond a reasonable doubt: (1) the Defendant misbehaved in the King’s presence or so near thereto as to obstruct the administration of justice; or (2) the Defendant disobeyed or resisted a process, order, rule, decree, or command of the King. For those who don’t remember the play clearly, here is a brief summary: Antigone completes the story of the family of Oedipus the King of Thebes, who kills his father and marries his mother. Following the death of Oedipus, his sons Eteocles and Polyneices are to rule Thebes alternately. Eteocles assumes the throne first, but when Polyneices’ turn comes, Eteocles refuses to yield the throne. Polyneices attacks Thebes, and he and Eteocles die in the battle. Creon assumes the throne and gives Eteocles a hero’s burial, but commands that Polyneices be allowed to rot in the open since he is a traitor to the state. Antigone, Polyneices’ sister, throws a handful of dust on the corpse as a symbolic burial. Creon orders her imprisoned. Under the urging of his son Haemon, who is Antigone’s fiancee, Creon relents, but before he can free Antigone she kills herself. Haemon and Creon’s wife Eurydice also commit suicide. Witness for the Defense (Ismene, Haimon, and Tiresias) Responsibilities You will serve as a defense witness for Antigone throughout the trial. Preparation Before the trial, you will create an affidavit as a witness for the defense (your testimony of what you think happened). This affidavit should be one-page in length and typed neatly. When your affidavit is complete, meet with the Defense Attorneys and discuss your testimony. Give a copy of your affidavit to all attorneys and judges (me) by ____________________. On Trial Make sure you know your character & testimony well enough to be that person in class. After the trial, turn in your final copy of the affidavit with both of your names on it. Post Trial Write an essay explaining the whether you believe the verdict is fair or not based on your interpretation (the interpretation of your character) of what happened in the play and in the mock trial. Essays must be 4 paragraphs in length. Witness for the Prosecution (Sentry, Creon, Choragos) Responsibilities You will serve as a prosecuting witness throughout the trial (Antigone is guilty of the charge). Preparation Before the trial, you and will create an affidavit as a witness for the defense (your testimony of what you think happened). This affidavit should be one-page in length and typed neatly. When your affidavit is complete meet with the Defense Attorneys and discuss your testimony. Give a copy of your affidavit to all attorneys and judges (me) by ___________________. On Trial Make sure you know your character & testimony well enough to be that person in class. After the trial, turn in your final copy of the affidavit with both your names on it. Post Trial Write an essay explaining the whether you believe the verdict is fair or not based on your interpretation (the interpretation of your character) of what happened in the play and in the mock trial. Essays must be 4 paragraphs in length. Antigone Responsibilities Create an affidavit (what you think happened) for your testimony. At the end of your testimony, enter a plea of guilty or not guilty and explain your reasoning. Craft your persona around how Antigone is presented in the text. Strive to imitate her, based on any evidence the text gives about her personality and habits. Preparation Before the trial, you must create your affidavit, which should be one page in length and written or typed neatly. Make a copy of your plea (guilty or not guilty) and your reasoning and submit it to the prosecution (you can just give them your affidavit). Work with the defense attorneys to develop a case in your favor. On Trial At the beginning of the trial, you will stand with the defense attorneys and enter your plea. Make sure you know your character & testimony well enough to be that person in class. Again, use the book as your guide! Post Trial Write an essay explaining the whether you believe the verdict is fair or not based on your interpretation (the interpretation of your character) of what happened in the play and in the mock trial. Essays must be 4 paragraphs in length. Prosecuting and Defense Attorneys Responsibilities Review the affidavits given to you by witnesses and decide how to formulate your questions to best serve your argument. Develop an opening statement, closing statement, and a list of questions to ask each witness to help you win the case. Preparation With your team of attorneys and witnesses, complete a case outline (see attached) to develop your argument using textual evidence from the play. You will question the witnesses during the trial, so work with your attorneys and witnesses to create examination questions to best serve your argument. Your examination should create a witness testimony of approximately 5 minutes. On Trial You will give your opening statement, examine your witnesses using the examination questions you developed with your team of attorneys, and give your closing statement. After the trial, turn in your exanimation questions and your case outline with your name on it. Post Trial Write an essay explaining the whether you believe the verdict is fair or not based on your interpretation (the interpretation of your role in the trial) of what happened in the play and in the mock trial. Essays must be 4 paragraphs in length. Jurors Responsibilities Create a brochure using Microsoft Publisher reporting the crime, including quotes from the text, articles, and pictures. Decide a final verdict of Guilty or Not Guilty Preparation While others are preparing their roles for the trial, you will on your brochure using Microsoft Publisher reporting Antigone’s crime. Be sure to include a name for your brochure, a large & catchy headline, articles, and relevant pictures. On Trial Listen attentively to all testimonies & statements given. Take notes (see attached). You must have these in order to create a final verdict of guilty or not guilty and your explanation. After the trial, meet & vote with your fellow jurors to decide what verdict you will submit to the judge (Guilty or Not Guilty). After the trial, submit your final verdict with trial notes attached.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Case Study of an innovative company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Case Study of an innovative company - Essay Example The staff turnover at this airport is around 4% with the average service length of an employee being 9.2 years and 32% rise is observed in revenue per employee (Dubai Airport Yearbook, 2012). Dubai International Airport, as part of an integrated and holistic approach towards improving their customers’ overall experience, attempts to cater to the vastly diverse and cosmopolitan tastes of their international customers. These services include a large number of client airlines, customs and immigration, duty free shops and other retailers; ground services provider data, efficient security scanning, smart gates and lost and found. A unique concept of â€Å"silent airport† has greatly reduced the number of announcements made in the airport, only to be replaced by screens displaying the flight details in order to alert customers (Dubai Airport Yearbook, 2012). Dubai International Airport is ranked at 25 in 2014 as against 33 in 2013. The key competitors of the Airport are Singapore Changi Airport, Incheon International, Munich Airport, London Heathrow Airport and Hong Kong International Airport. The strong performance of Dubai Airport’s commercial portfolio has boosted the total revenue by 17% in 2013. Aeronautical revenue and commercial revenue rose by 12% and 23% respectively, thereby portraying a strong growth of Dubai International Airport (Martin, 2014). Dubai International Airport is constantly trying to improve passenger experience by incorporating innovative strategies in its work policy. In November, Dubai Airport in a recent partnership with TWSteel Watches and Dubai Duty Free had hosted a live pop-up concert by a headline recording artist, Kelly Rowland. The performance took the passengers as well as the airport officials by surprise and attracted immense attention on the social media as several individuals captured the concert on videos that were uploaded on different sites such as, Twitter,